Next.js vs Solid.js: Which JavaScript Framework Should You Choose?

Next.js and Solid.js are two popular JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications. While they have similar goals, they differ in their approach and features. In this article, we will compare Next.js and Solid.js in terms of readability, performance, and ease-of-use, and provide recommendations on which framework to choose for different scenarios.


When it comes to readability, both Next.js and Solid.js have their strengths. Next.js uses React, a widely-used framework with a large community of developers. The code written in Next.js follows best practices and conventions, making it easy to read and understand. Similarly, Solid.js also uses a similar approach to React and has a readable syntax that is easy to learn and use.


Performance plays a vital role in web development, and both frameworks adopt distinct strategies to optimize it. Next.js implements server-side rendering (SSR), delivering pre-rendered HTML to the client, resulting in faster page load times and decreased client-side browser workload. Conversely, Solid.js operates directly on the real DOM, avoiding the virtual DOM and significantly reducing browser overhead, ultimately leading to enhanced performance.


Both Next.js and Solid.js have different levels of complexity, and developers must choose the right framework based on their expertise and project requirements. Next.js provides a set of pre-configured tools and features that can be used to quickly build web applications. It also provides good documentation and examples, making it easy for developers to get started. Solid.js, on the other hand, requires a deeper understanding of JavaScript and React concepts, making it more suitable for experienced developers.


Solid.js follows a reactive programming paradigm, where components are automatically updated when their dependencies change. Next.js is built on top of React and provides features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, and dynamic imports.

User Interface

Solid.js focuses on building complex user interfaces with reactive programming. It uses a declarative syntax for describing the UI, and automatically updates the DOM when state changes. Next.js also uses React for building user interfaces, but with a focus on server-side rendering and optimized performance.

State Management

Solid.js provides a simple and powerful API for managing state, with support for observables, streams, and reactive primitives. Next.js uses the standard React state management API, with support for Redux and other libraries.


Next.js provides a built-in routing system that allows you to define page routes and handle dynamic URLs. Solid.js does not provide a built-in routing system, but can be integrated with third-party routing libraries.

Learning Curve

Solid.js has a small API surface and a simple syntax, which can make it easy to learn for developers familiar with reactive programming. Next.js requires a good understanding of React and server-side rendering, which can make it more challenging to learn for beginners.

Community and Ecosystem

Solid.js is a relatively new library, with a growing community and ecosystem of plugins and tools. Next.js has a large and active community, with a wide range of plugins and tools for building React applications.


Based on our analysis, we recommend the following scenarios for using Next.js and Solid.js:

Small to medium-sized projects

For projects that require a fast, server-side rendered web application, Next.js is the best choice. Its pre-configured tools and features make it easy to set up and use, and its large community of developers provides excellent support.

Large, complex projects

For projects that require a high degree of flexibility and customization, Solid.js is a good choice. It requires a deeper understanding of React and JavaScript concepts, making it more suitable for experienced developers. It also provides excellent performance and flexibility, making it ideal for complex projects.


Next.js and Solid.js are both excellent frameworks for building web applications. The choice between them depends on the project's requirements, the size and complexity of the application, and the level of expertise of the development team. By considering these factors, developers can choose the right framework to deliver high-quality, performant web applications.